
HCW 2024

The thirty-third Heterogeneity in Computing Workshop (HCW) will be held at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, California, on May 27, 2024. HCW is annually organized in conjunction with the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS).

Heterogeneous computing systems comprise growing numbers of increasingly more diverse computing resources that can be local to one another or geographically distributed. The opportunity and need for effectively utilizing heterogeneous computing resources has given rise to the notions of cluster computing, grid computing, and cloud computing. HCW encourages paper submissions from both the research and industry communities presenting novel ideas on theoretical and practical aspects of computing in heterogeneous computing environments.

The HCW 2024 program is now available (last updated May 27, 2024).

The proceedings of HCW 2024 will be distributed at the conference and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the conference.

For location, registration, and accommodation details, please see the IPDPS 2024 website.

San Francisco, California

San Francisco, California

General Co-Chairs: Anne C. Elster (elster at ntnu dot no) and Jan Christian Meyer (jan dot christian dot meyer at ntnu dot no), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs: DK Panda (panda.2 at osu dot edu) and Hari Subramoni (subramoni.1 at osu dot edu), The Ohio State University, USA

Contact Persons: Please contact the General Co-Chairs or the Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs.

Please join the HCW Announce Google Group to receive annual updates about the workshop (less than six emails a year).


IEEE IPDPS 2024 is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, through the Technical Committee on Parallel Processing (TCPP), and is held in cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committees on Computer Architecture (TCCA) and Distributed Processing (TCDP).

HCW 2024 is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research and IEEE IPDPS 2024.

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